2017년 11월 용산구 서계동을 시작으로 세 개의 공간을 거쳐 2018년 9월 9일 네 번째 집인 성북동 파란대문집에 자리를 잡게 되었습니다. 1986년 4월 30일에 탄생한 성북동 168-250번지는 집주인이 세 번 바뀌었으며, 2008년도 수도와 전기가 해지된 상태로 현재까지 10년간 방치되어있던 곳이었습니다. 공간주 이전에 40여명의 사람들이 임대를 하려고 이 집을 보러 왔지만, 귀신 나올 것 같다고 다들 지나친 곳이었습니다. 하지만 공간주는 이 집을 보는 순간 사람들로 채워지는 모습을, 그 온기가 모여 마을 전체까지 퍼지는 따스한 모습을 상상하게 되었습니다.
공간주의 철학에 공감한 집주인은 기존보다 더 저렴한 가격으로 임대를 내주었으며, 약 두 달하고도 보름간 큰 공사를 치렀습니다. 시멘벽돌구조에 슬레이트지붕, 2층 집으로 층마다 방 2개, 총 20평의 면적을 가진 이곳은 공간주의 첫 장기임대지로 셀프인테리어 하기에 적합한 집입니다. 새로 수도와 전기계량기를 달았으며, 철거를 시작으로 새 창과 대문을 달고, 위험했던 2층으로 올라가는 경사가 심한 계단 역시 새로 바꾼, 나름 초반에 큰 공사를 치른 집입니다.
새 대문을 기다리는 동안 일주일가량 의도치 않은 상시개방을 하면서 10년간 입을 꾹 다문 이 집이 너무 궁금했는지, 지나가는 주민들이 문턱을 넘어오게 되면서 자연스럽게 친해지게 되었습니다. 젊은 사람이 들어왔다, 드디어 집에 사람이 사는구나…… 등등 지나가는 모든 주민분들께서 매일같이 우리에게 잘 들어왔다는 따스한 말과 부침개 등 따듯한 음식을 나누어주었습니다.
공사를 하면서 정말 많은 분들의 손이 입혀졌습니다. 초반 화장실이 없는데도 불구하고 흔쾌히 성북동 168-250번지에 와서 작업복으로 옷을 갈아입고 벽지제거와 페인트작업을 했습니다. 대부분을 자재만 사서 직접 시공을 했고, 집이라는 장점을 극대화시키기 위해 보이지 않는 단열에도 힘썼습니다. 겹겹의 세월을 증명하듯 다섯 겹의 벽지를 떼어내면서 우린 와~~이게 언제 신문이야~~ 연신 감탄을 남발했습니다. 한 공정이 끝났다 싶으면 또 다른 일들이 터지기 일쑤였습니다. 육체적, 정신적으로 힘든 나날이었지만, 공사를 도와준 이들과 매일같이 응원의 목소리를 내어주신 주민들 힘으로 지금껏 올 수 있었습니다.
전기가 들어 온 날, 물이 나온 날, 그리고 집의 얼굴인 1층 창에 해체된 채로 방치된 격자창을 잘 이어 붙여 제자리로 놓아 준 순간 우리는 박수와 함께 환호성을 질렀습니다. 사람들로부터 이 집은 탄생했고, 사람들로부터 이 집은 버려졌지만, 사람들로부터 다시 이 집은 재탄생했습니다. 오늘도 여전히 일이 많이 남았지만, 큰일은 지나가고, 차근차근 공간주와 앞으로 이 집을 머무를 사람들과 함께 부족한 부분들 채워나가면서 온 동네에 따스한 온기를 퍼트릴 것입니다.
2018년11월30일 탄생한 성북동 파란대문집.
이제 이 집에 도시간X공간주가 있습니다.

Social venture SPACEHOST tries to find houses which have been empty for a long time in the old downtown area with rich stories, share regional stories surrounded by them, and connect them to the future.
Starting with Seogye-dong, Yongsangu on November 2017, this time a year ago, it got to take its place in a house with a blue door in Seongbuk-dong which is the fourth house on September 9, 2018 passing through three places. 168-250, Seongbuk-dong which was born on April 30, 1986 changed its house owner three times. And it had no electricity and water in 2008 and it has been neglected as it is for 10 years. About 40 persons visited this house to lease it before SPACEHOST, but they gave it up because it was the spooky house. However, SPACEHOST got to imagine the house to be filled with people and spread the warmth from them to the whole town as soon as it looked at the house.
The house owner who sympathized with philosophy of SPACEHOST rent the house to it at an affordable price. And big construction work was done for two months and fifteen days. This place is a two-story house with cement brick construction, a slate roof, two rooms in each floor, and the gross area of 66.12m2. It is the suitable house for self-interior as the first long-term leased land. A new water system and a voltmeter were set up. And staring with tearing down structures, new windows and a new gate was hung and a dangerous stair with a steep slope which goes upstairs was newly changed. Like this big construction work was done in the house in the beginning.
As it was unintentionally and permanently open for a week while it waited for a new gate, residents passing by crossed the threshold because they were very curious about the hose which had been closed for ten years. And they naturally got to become familiar. Young persons came in. People finally live in this house... All the resident passing by gave us the warm words that we moved well and shared warm food such as vegetable pancakes.
While construction work was done, a lot of people helped us. They were willing to come to 168-250, Seongbuk-dong despite there was no any bathroom in the beginning, changed into work clothes, and removed wallpaper and painted the house. Construction was mostly done just by buying materials and we made an effort to add invisible insulation to maximize advantages of the house. As the house proves many years, five layers of wallpaper were removed. And we again and again had great admiration saying, 'Wow! When was this newspaper published?' When we finished a process, another things happened. It was physically and mentally hard days, but we could reach to the present thanks to the residents who helped us do the construction and support us every day.
We yelled out cheers with applause on the day that we had electricity, the day that water came from the tap, and at the moment that the lattice window on the first floor as the face of the house which had been neglected after being removed. This house was born from people and abandoned by them. But the house was again born from people. There are still a lot of things to do today. Great things were completed and SPACEHOST will spread the warmth to the whole village step by step filling insufficient parts with the people who stay in this house in the future.
The house with the BLUE DOOR in Seongbuk-dong which was born on November 30, 2018.
Now, there is DOSIGAN&SPACEHOST in this house.

BLUEDOOR _ 68, Seongbuk-ro 10-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea